University of Chicago students push back

It's very heartening to read this strong statement from students at the University of Chicago: Editorial: UChicago Must End Its Booster Mandate—We Are Not Lab Rats.

Sound logic, airing of facts, and exposé of hypocrisy (doctors and scientists at UC are exempt from the mandates imposed on the students!) characterize this editorial. I urge you to read the whole thing.

I hope students everywhere use it as a template for their own resistance. 


  1. This is excellent. I sent it on to the resistance group I am part of as our universities are also beginning to mandate. Our academic year starts in February. We are anxious as we have a first year student in the house this year. Our company (both my husband and my employer) is sending out comms next month to stipulate their policy. My mind is reeling. This is unconscionable..
