A review: The Holy Mass by Bishop Athanasius Schneider

My review of The Holy Mass by Bishop Athanasius Schneider appears in the current issue of Inside the Vatican, which overall looks so interesting! 

The Mass Is Central to the Faith; God Is Central to the Mass - By Leila M. Lawler

I became a Catholic in 1979 at the age of 19. Thus, I entered the Church in the fullness of her turmoil. Other than a few shards of memory from my girlhood in New Haven – a glimpse of habited nuns minding children in the schoolyard, young women at Albertus Magnus College wearing elegant sweater sets and trim skirts rather than the hippie garb favored by the new coeds at Yale, and a truly sensorially overwhelming stop for ashes with my best friend Gina at St. Mary’s — my inaugural experience of Catholicism was enmeshed with the resistance of my fiancĂ©, making his way back to the faith, to lounge Masses and the bland liberalism of the local parish. In short, I had had no contact with any traditional idea of Catholicism in the liturgy.


Read the whole thing!  

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