Well, it still doesn't make sense

Sen. Rand Paul urges people to trash their masks after getting the vaccine or recovering from the virus itself.

"Paul was responding to a CNN article detailing updated CDC guidance, which now advises that people who have been fully vaccinated can gather with other fully vaccinated individuals but continued to urge caution, including the use of masks in public."

I'm glad he's saying this, baby steps, but it still doesn't make sense, because it implies that one wears a mask to protect oneself, which we have been repeatedly told, nay, been indoctrinated about, will not work.

Unless it does work... in which case, it's up to the person to decide (it is up to the person to decide in any case).

In short, masking is not the magic the CDC (and many of our non-"expert" authorities) say it is (and that is amply borne out by 80 years of research).

So Paul's advice applies to everyone. Just trash the mask and live free.


  1. I promised we’d have a mask burning party to our 10 year old, who doesn’t wear a mask anyway. Lol!

  2. I wish I could trash the mask and live free. In my local small-town grocery store, last time I was there I saw a large sign at the entrance asking customers to *call the police* if they saw another customer without a mask on. Apparently this is according to "provincial orders" (Ontario).

    1. Laura Jeanne, I don't really know what it's like in Canada, so take this for what it's worth. But if it were my town I would call the police station and ask to speak to the chief. And I would ask him: "So, tell me, what would you do if someone actually called from that store to say that someone was not wearing a mask?"
      I would see what he says.
      Because I can tell you that here in my town the police would come... a few hours later, if at all. And they certainly would not do anything to enforce that, because a) they have other things to do and b) in the end it's not going to hold up in court.
      Yes, we have a restrictive mandate but no, the police are not going to round us up. That's why when I was confronted at the store by a guy saying he was going to call the police, I said "go ahead."
      And then after he kept at me (including videoing me with his phone!) I told him *I* was going to call the police because he was harassing me!

    2. I admire your bravery Leila! I don't know how I would even get into a store without a mask. All the stores here have signs saying if you can't wear a mask you MUST not enter the store (government orders, etc), and in larger stores (such as my grocery store) there is someone posted at the door to turn you away if you don't comply. I mean, for me to shop without a mask I would have to go through multiple hostile confrontations with multiple people. I have even been scolded by a teenage cashier for slipping my mask down for a moment. And it's likely at least one person would call the police on me. Although I can see the value of it, I don't think personally my nerves could handle that. But I am proud of you for standing up to the rampant authoritarianism.

    3. Laura Jeanne, a friend forwarded to me this link with Kevin L. Johnston of Red Deer, Alberta proving nobody will be convicted for a Covid-19 ticket. I'm not sure about Ontario but thought this would be uplifting. https://m.facebook.com/606379666/posts/10158659349864667/?d=n

    4. Michele, thank you -- I do understand that nothing would come of it if someone were to call the police on me, and I know that the police themselves would really rather not deal with this sort of thing...but I still say that my nerves cannot take the hostile confrontation (or two or three) that would have to take place between me and others if I were to venture out without a mask. I honestly have poor health (chronic illness) and I just do not have the constitution to withstand stress like that. I greatly admire those who do, though!

  3. Time for the mask burning party

  4. Lots of places have ditched the mask in Florida. Unbelievable how many California license plates I am seeing in parking lots. We are use to license plates from the Midwest, North East, and Quebec (snowbirds) but not so many from California
