Propaganda, funded by us

I've been lax in posting here but have many topics to comment on. It won't always be Covid this and vaccine that, but today... it is!

What do you call it when the government "champions" an "educational campaign" that involves "$10 billion to increase access and confidence" to a particular thing that is being promoted? 

And if that promotion involves a Community Corps, "created to provide those trusted messengers with consistent and accurate information... to empower as many Americans as possible to become messengers to share the importance of" the topic "in their community."?

I call it propaganda! Especially because although "trusted" -- "Anyone can become a Community Corps member"! This campaign is also going on at the state level, and it wouldn't surprise me if there was federal (that is, taxpayer either way really) money in that as well.

Read the whole government document and consider where this money comes from (granted, to the government, $10 BILLION is a rounding error, but still... ) (answer, it comes from us, taxpayers) -- and what form this "trusted voices campaign" will take.

Given hints that "influencers" are being paid a stipend to -- in a trustworthy, albeit not transparent way -- post about their vaccinations on social media, I think we can surmise that this campaign is about monetizing the already endemic busy-body-ness that the lockdown has fermented. 

I don't know about you, but I find it unacceptable that the government is doing this. If you look at the list of participants, it's far-left social justice activists and huge corporations. Just like the gay pride movement, it more than smacks of coercion and propaganda. Even if I were on the fence about the vaccines, which I am not, I would run away as fast as I could from this totalitarian aggression-with-a-smiling-face.


  1. Leila, I am like you are .....“not on the fence” about getting g the vaccine, but I can’t quite articulate why. can you direct me to a few science based links that I can share with people when they ask me why I won’t get the vaccine at this moment. (Not including information about how it is derived/tested on aborted fetus aka the religious argument) It is indeed a campaign by our government to see it only their such an extent that when one tries to find information on the internet that has found her points, it is non existent. How can we refute this campaign without sources from the other side? Thanks

    1. I can’t quite put my finger on why I don’t want to get it either, except that I feel a sense of rebellion about it ha ha. They are pushing it so hard, and the information surrounding Covid has been so untrustworthy that my first gut reaction is just “!” That and I am not in a vulnerable population, I am young, and don’t have any underlying conditions that make Covid very risky for me. I will say that seeing so many Catholics that I follow and admire celebrate every vaccination makes me second guess my position somewhat, but not enough to currently change my mind about it.

    2. There is some really good information being put out by America's Front Line Doctors ... and their voices are being suppressed. So take that for what you will. This is one I sent to my midwife because she was looking for solid information to share with her clients due to the potential for harm to pregnant women and their babies as well as the potential of harm to women of childbearing years -

      Bishop Strickland signed a very good letter last fall and Bishop Schnider just published another one more recently on the moral obligation of Catholics. They've both been published by Crisis Magazine I believe.

      Mrs. Jackson

  2. I don't know exactly where you would find the facts or stats on this, but some instagram posters that I've seen have been reporting anecdotal evidence of bad side-effects from just being around people with the vax, apparently? There seems to be a number of reports of strange reproductive issues, what I have seen is women reporting miscarriages, unusual period problems, etc. As I said, I don't know where exactly to look up factual information, but it sounds very frightening. They are talking about "spike protein shedding" from people who received the vaccine & how it can affect others. Maybe that would be something to search on to get a source of information? I can look up some instagram posts where you might see some of the reports from people who are seeing these effects?

    1. Sigh. Spike protein shedding is disturbing. Other vaccines (Polio) shed contagious "vaccine derived polio virus" in some cases (oral) and other vaccines like live-attenuated (chickenpox) shed...which is likely why shingles has increased in the elderly (warranting a vaccine) based on my reading... But spike protein shedding.. the potential of that is very disturbing.

      Mrs. Jackson

  3. I noticed the initial meeting of the VP and SG with the Community Corps founding members was on April Fools Day.

  4. Hearing notable Catholics talk about getting vaccinated makes me less inclined to get it. So many are so uncritical about it! Also, i am not high risk so why protect myself against something that isn't a threat for me? Janet Smith has a good talk on her website about the various prudential issues to consider that i found helpful. And finally, why are so many asking about this? When are my health decisions a matter for conversation? My answer to casual inquiries has been "that's a very personal matter."

    1. This is pretty much exactly how I feel too.

  5. 1. The government does not have the authority to tell people they should "get" anything. My first revulsion to the vaccine is the obscene intrusion into our free-market economy, which free-market was intended to be tempered by the fear of the Lord and a moral populace, not by an overbearing, micro-managing government.

    So you might say I'm mildly "on the fence" because I feel that people have the freedom to develop and to purchase vaccines should they choose to do so, but this fear mongering that has taken place so far is an illegitimate sales/use coercion and it's also an illegitimate use of public funds.

    The development of and production of a vaccine is so expensive and to suggest that most human beings need it kind of flies in the face of the word of God which says, "having food and clothing let us therewith be content".

    2. To really make an effective stand against this overreach of authority "I'm not more vulnerable" only goes so far. Our community is hugely blessed by the courage of very many of our most vulnerable who continue to boldly exercise hospitality, visit around, and give great hugs while maintaining that God is the one Who determines their time to die and that they are ready to go right now. And let those who prefer to isolate, wear masks and get vaccinated be free to do so... But if God allows you the courage, join the ranks of the unafraid.

  6. Even if these immoral vaccines did not have ABORTED BABY CELLS, I would still be against them. They are in an experimental phase; inoculating Messenger RNA and other poisonous elements; adamantly pushed and promoted by population-control agents. There is nothing there to be trusted!
