What is Pro-life today

The worst assault on the unborn in the past two years was development of covid vaccines and mandates, which sought to normalize aborted fetal tissue use in our medical products across the board and going forward. Monoclonal antibodies were developed using humanized mice (= using aborted fetal cells). Abortion has become industrialized and institutionalized, and most of our "pro-life" leaders pay little or no attention and even seek to urge us to go along.

The worst assault on marriage, which is the surest protection of the unborn, was Amoris Laetitia and its contradiction of millennia of Catholic teaching and the very words of Our Lord in Scripture (see Mt 19). The world will go wrong if the Church doesn't clearly proclaim the truth. Most of our "pro-life" leaders are silent on the *necessity* of a return to basic morality and Christian standards on marriage, even praising the Pope's document.

This is why I have issues with many of our "pro-life" leaders. They raise money, they speak loudly, but where are they in the real fight? Before you send money to a pro-life cause or leader, check to see if it or he or she is in the fight that's going on right now. If that leader has undermined these important matters, don't give your money or spend your moral capital defending that person or cause.

1 comment:

  1. Are there any pro life organizations you have found trustworthy?
