Funny how that doesn't work

 The vaccine manufacturers do not claim that you will not get others sick -- only that your symptoms may be less severe than if you weren't vaccinated -- and even then there is some question, and whether people are being properly informed.

So why is this Catholic Church lying about it?

Confessions Are Now Available

for Those Who Are Vaccinated

Only those vaccinated may come to the Sacrament of Penance in order to protect yourself, and more importantly, to protect others in case you are asymptomatic and contagious. (emphasis added)


Here is the screenshot of the page before:

The page has been "updated" to say this:

The faithful cannot, canonically speaking, be deprived of anonymous confession. It certainly doesn't make sense, if the worry is about infection, for those who are presumptively contagious to be relegated to face-to-face confession... just think about it. 

Of course, the vaccine manufacturers do not claim that it makes the person taking it not contagious. And it doesn't make sense to bring up anything about the effect of lowering "viral load" while simultaneously claiming that masks are essential to protect against the asymptomatic. The two are mutually exclusive ideas. 

In any case, even the most enthusiastic vaccine supporter does not think that it makes the situation inside a confessional safer -- unless that supporter is Catholic, apparently. Catholics seem to attribute all sorts of magic to the vaccine. 


  1. If that were my parish I would definitely need to avail myself of this sacrament after I read this....

  2. What parish has stated this? My church has had confession since May of last year. How crazy?


  4. Gosh, when I first read that notice I read it as an invitation for people to confess that they got the vaccine. Which, in my opinion, would actually make more sense.

  5. So, when you click on the link, the church is saying you still can go to Confession, just not in the Confessional. You can only go in the Confessional if you are vaccinated. Otherwise, you go in the church for Confession. Maybe they’ve changed it since you originally saw it? No one, according to the website, is being denied Confession.

    1. Diana, I updated the post to reflect the parish's changes. The faithful's right to anonymity is being taken away. And logic doesn't seem to play a part.

    2. Can. 964 §1. The proper place to hear sacramental confessions is a church or oratory.

      §2. The conference of bishops is to establish norms regarding the confessional; it is to take care, however, that there are always confessionals with a fixed grate between the penitent and the confessor in an open place so that the faithful who wish to can use them freely. ~Just Sayin"

  6. Totally agree. Insanity.

  7. Not only that, which is terrible, but how do they plan to "verify" that those going to anonymous confession have been vaccinated?

    1. 😂 Good point!!! Oh my goodness. Where has common sense gone? 🤦‍♀️

    2. I was wondering if one should confess "lying about their vaccine status" during confession... If they attended the anonymous confession...

      Mrs. Jackson

  8. It’s an effort to shame those choosing not to vaccinate perhaps. Dark days ahead!

    1. I was thinking it was a shaming tactic as well...

      Mrs. Jackson

  9. Wow, that is sick. Or rather, evil. The church's form of a vaccine passport.

