Bishop Schneider clarifies the moral issue

Today Crisis has a powerful article by Bishop Athansius Schneider: Resisting Abortion-tainted Vaccines and the Culture of Death.

Anti-Christian world powers that promote the culture of death are seeking to impose on the world’s population an implicit—though remote and passive—collaboration with abortion. Such remote collaboration, in itself, is also an evil because of the extraordinary historical circumstances in which these same world powers are promoting the murder of unborn children and the exploitation of their remains. 

When we use vaccines or medicines which utilize cell lines originating from aborted babies, we physically benefit from the “fruits” of one of the greatest evils of mankind—the cruel genocide of the unborn. For if an innocent child had not been cruelly murdered, we would not have these concrete vaccines or medicines. We should not be so naive to not see that these vaccines and medicines not only offer a health benefit but also promise to promote the culture of death. 

Bishop Schneider states the situation clearly. 

When one uses an abortion-tainted vaccine, one is standing directly and very personally before the vaccine syringe. In paying taxes, one is not directly and personally confronting the process of a specific abortion. A government is not asking you concretely to give your money to “this” concrete act of abortion now. The government often uses our money against our will. Therefore, the use of an abortion-tainted vaccine is a much more personal confrontation and a much closer meeting with the monstrous crimes involved in its production, than paying taxes or benefitting from the evil acts of another person. Should the government tell a citizen directly and personally, “I am taking your money to pay for this concrete abortion,” one has to refuse, even if it means confiscation of one’s home and imprisonment.

We shouldn't act as if there are no alternatives. I wonder how many know that there were alternatives to morally tainted vaccines in the US in the 80s. How did they disappear? It's simple supply and demand.

We have to resist the myth that there is no alternative—and by using these vaccines or medicines, we cooperate in further propagating this myth. Yet, there are alternatives! The anti-Christian world powers will surely not admit that alternatives exist, and will continue to push abortion-tainted vaccines. But we must resist. 

Read it all!  


  1. This is so good. Thank you for sharing. There is no way I am ever getting the vaccine, but sometimes I am not quite sure how to articulate the reasons why I am so firmly convinced it is wrong, especially when so many bishops, priests, etc. say otherwise. I hope you have a very Blessed Holy Week!

    1. You're welcome! I won't either. See also my previous post

  2. Do you know of any resources for alternatives? Or do you think he is just saying there would be alternatives if people insisted on them?

    1. He is saying that if we refuse to go along with them, alternatives would be offered.
      And this is true: it used to be that there were alternatives for the vaccines derived from aborted fetal cells. (There still are but they are not available in the US).
      And today there are ethically derived shingles and rabies vaccine alternatives.
      But one thing is that this whole controversy has brought to light things that many of us did not know or fully realize, that almost ALL medications and some foods and cosmetics are at least tested using those cells.
      So he is also saying that all that must stop. We must do our best to insist that it stop. A while ago I posted about animal rights groups succeeding in putting a stop to animal testing of cosmetics.
      Funny, they seem to be able to do it! I have started wondering if it is BECAUSE there is pressure not to use animal testing that aborted baby testing is the standard.

  3. I was wondering because I have read about people requesting vaccines for their kids that don’t use the fetal lines, but I’ve never heard of anyone being successful in getting them. So just wondering if there were alternatives available I wasn’t aware of. That is an interesting and disturbing point about the animal testing.
