Klaus Regime Illegally Occupying November!

 Such a funny and wise little thread

I lifted it from my friend Finbar Sullivan's Facebook page. His friend (relative?) Patrick Sullivan remarked:

I love Thanksgiving so much that I hate to see it eclipsed by anything else. An Orthodox Jewish colleague described it to me as "the only holiday where we all get to thank God at the same time."

 Which gave rise to this response of mine: 

Beautiful! And that is how I think of it too! Joe Sobran said (I'm sure not originally) that the desire to give thanks is a proof of the existence of God*, and so I believe that Thanksgiving Day is a time that graciously offers that path to everyone, ourselves included! Believing by doing!

In short, keeping the seasons (liturgical and secular as far as we are able) provides us with a rhythm of purgation, illumination, and unity that has its hidden benefits and graces, unbeknownst to us. It's better not to meddle with them.

I just had to memorialize all that here! 

*Because we realize, if we don't hide the fact from ourselves, that the desire to give thanks implies Someone who deserves our thanks! Nothing is as silly as the dangling passive voice of "give thanks on this day... " To Whom? That is the question that demands an answer!


  1. Love it. My husband goes out and gets me coffee most Saturday mornings, and today he grabbed Starbucks (I know, I know) and it was in Christmas cups! November 5th people! The least they could do is slap some fall leaves and turkeys on the cups until December at the earliest. Why are we skipping thanksgiving!?

    1. So true. Maybe because our society is becoming thank-less. We lack hope! Our time to shine ✨! :-)

  2. Gratitude is one of the main reasons have have believed in God since I was a child! I'm not American, so we don't celebrate thanksgiving, but in English the gratitude towards someone other is even more obvious in the words 'thank *you*'
